your journey in the fiber arts is uniquely yours

My name is Ann Miner, and I founded Yarn Folk with the vision of creating a vibrant community of fiber enthusiasts at every skill level. I have a passion for solving problems, I love ALL the colors, and sharing the joy of my fellow stitchers when they finish a project never gets old. I live with my spouse, young adult son, and an elderly grey tabby cat in Roslyn, WA. I am primarily self-taught, and my favorite thing to knit is sweaters.​

Photo Credit: Gale Zucker /

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Phone: (509) 304-4588

Come and visit

304 North Pearl Street

Ellensburg, WA

Mon - Thurs - 7am - 3:30pm

Friday - 8:30am - 5pm

Saturday - 9am - 4pm


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